Southend Adult Community College

SACC marketing a design refresh.

The Background

Having initially worked with Southend Adult Community College (SACC) on a digital advertising campaign, they obviously liked what we did! Formara and SACC worked throughout 2021 on a number of campaigns including, amongst others, the flagship Community Learning brochure, a brand new college magazine "#HereForYou" and a number of leaflets for distribution by door drop.

The Challenge

Fomara's design team were tasked with giving SACC a brand 'refresh'. The management team at SACC didn't want, or need, a new brand but wanted some new brand guidelines to build on for future publications. This was indeed a challenge when considering the target audience and how varied it is.

The Outcome

The "#HereForYou" magazine design is a continuation of the previous digital advertising campaign we produced for the college. Developing the brand design scheme further by introducing vibrant new colours to complement the existing dark palette along with using the "swirls" from the logo as a design device, as either a frame or background element.

The "Community Learning" Course Guide is a listing all of the standard courses the college runs throughout the year for adults in the Southend area. It was designed in conjunction with the magazine implementing the same design scheme and laying out the data in an easy to view design. Suitable images were also sourced to visually highlight some of the courses and things that people can potentially experience.

Once printed, the magazine and course guides were distributed throughout the borough via libraries, supermarkets and other public buildings.

Additional to these publications were a number of bright, vibrant leaflets which Formara designed, printed and arranged door drop distribution.

Overall, the finished articles were vibrant and full of information in an easy to read layout which helped the college get new students through the doors and engage or re-engage with exisitng students.
"We have just received the magazine and course guide and I’m so happy. The feel, weight and quality is just so good - let alone the banging design!
I just want to say thank you so much for your help and patience with these projects, you guys made the task so much easier."
- Tricia, Assistant Principal

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