01702 613141 | print@formara.co.uk
in case you missed it...
in case you missed it...
They say that “the eyes are the windows to the soul”, and in terms of educational advertising, it is so important to have a decent “shop window”! And so, for schools, universities and colleges, this is where your prospectus comes into play.
July 2024
1996 saw the start of Formara's work creating tailored mailing and multi-channel communications with database management and 2 programmers employed full time to develop the software.
July 2021
Who would have thought that some of the print produced by little old Formara would be signed by Her Majest
April 2021
Tutankhamun is far from being a curse but rather it holds a special place for Formara and is the start of a colourful story in our history.
March 2021
We would be the first to admit that it is not an obvious choice of creature to adopt as the company branding. The rabbit is hardly 'king of the jungle' but it does have certain 'attributes' that attracted Formara to it many years ago!
February 2021
From humble beginnings in 1971 to a technically advanced print, marketing and communications business in 2021. Follow our journey over the past 50 years.
January 2021
The coronavirus impacted Formara in March in pretty much the same way as it did for many other businesses around the UK. For the majority, our daily lives have been turned upside down both in business and at home. That was the case at Formara but things very quickly changed in a way that we did not expect.
May 2020
How Formara played it's part in an epic row across the Indian Ocean in aid of Parkinson's Disease charities.
May 2020
YummyXmas - Chocolate Referendum - The results
Introducing Aim (Automated Integrated Marketing
Using Direct Mail as part of your integrated marketing strategy
5 ideas to achieve the best response from direct mail
Print and GDPR
Integrate, Automate, Communicate
People of all ages like mail
Drinkable Direct Mail
Calendar Crazy
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